Thursday, August 19, 2010

Take 1/2 day leave to apply home loan

Do you prefer to take 1/2 day leave, rushing from one bank to another? Or just give a professional mortgage consultant a call?

Public Bank New Interest Rate

Mortgage Interest Rate

Housing Loan - as low as BLR -2.20%
Commercial - as low as BLR -1.90%

Lock-in period remains at 3 years and 2.0% of original loan amount.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Benefits of MLTA

I believe many have heard of MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance) when they get a mortgage for property. MLTA (Mortgage Level Term Assurance) is not quite new but gaining popularity over the past few years.

What are the REAL benefits of MLTA?

1. MRTA is an old product - Designed long long time ago with no flexibility and mainly to ensure the lender (i.e. the Bank) will get paid first.

2. MLTA provide more than one feature - Protection plus accumulation of cash value.

3. MLTA 's cash value is guaranteed - therefore you will have total peace of mind knowing your family as well as property are in good hand when bad thing happened.

4. MLTA pays direct to you or your nominee - you or your nominee has control over the situation. MRTA pays direct to bank, not a choice for you.

5. MLTA is transferable in case you sell your house and buying another bigger one in 5 or 10 years later.

6. MLTA ensure your insurability (that is mean insurance company want to deal with you). Can you guarantee 10 years later your health condition is as good as now? You may want to buy but insurance company may not want to sell because of health condition turns bad.

7. MLTA ensure you lock-in the low-rate now. If you buy MRTA and need another 10 years later, guaranteed it is much more expensive.

Scenario A
Mr. Dell has no MLTA but bought MRTA for his mortgage for his home.

He suffers TPD in year 4. Loss his ability to generate income, whole family in financial difficulty.

Since he can't serve the mortgage installment, he must claim the MRTA to cover the outstanding loan. Bank will gets the compensation from insurance company. Mr. Dell get his property for free, so to speak.

But, he has no other source of fund for his family (unless he bought some life insurance other than this MRTA).

Scenario B
Same as Scenario A, except that during the 4 years, BLR increased and therefore there is a shortfall between the compensation from insurance company and the outstanding loan amount. Mr. Dell have to settle the different else the house is NEVER his. How to settle when one is already in financial difficulty?

Scenario C
Mr. Dell bought MLTA instead of MRTA because he believe in the new concept.
When TPD strikes, the compensation is more than outstanding loan by RM20,000

He and his family has the choice to:
1. Continue the installment with the compensation received from insurance company; or
2. Settle the whole loan and get the extra RM20,000 to cover other expenses.

Do you want to have choices in your hand (instead of in the Bank's discretion)?
[never come across any bank puts borrower's interest in front of them, if you ever found one, let me know]

Friday, August 13, 2010


To buy or not to buy?

Currently, most bank do not impose MRTA as condition to offer a loan. So, it is a choice for property owner - subject to their "awareness" and "needs".

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Home Equity

Check the definition of Home Equity here.

Value of Home Equity will increase over time for TWO reasons:
1. Property price tends to increase over time (assumption)
2. Mortgage balance reducing over time (assume no refinancing)

What can you do with increased in home equity?
1. Keep it for retirement (when you finally have the property sold)
2. Refinance it for investment (since mortgage interest rate is the cheapest rate amongst all financing)

Should I refinance my property?

If you have a loan applied more than 5 years ago... it is time to refinance it.


1. Capitalising your asset. Grow your wealth. Release part of the equity, refinance it at low cost, reinvest it to buy another property or investment;
2. Get better rate NOW! Save interest;
3. Reducing the installment by extending the term / lower rate;
4. Get a better package, home loan is more flexible now than those 5 years ago.

You either SAVE or EARN MORE by refinancing your property.

Document Required

There are plenty of documents required for bank to approve a loan to you.

1. Identity Document
- NRIC Copy or passport for foreigner (must be clear and clean)
- Working permit (if any for foreigner)

2. Income Document
- Latest Form B or BE submitted to Income Tax Department (together with receipt for Baki Cukai Kena Dibayar, if any)
- Form EA from your employer (if employed)
- Bank statement or bank passbook showing the salary credited (for latest 3 months)
- EPF Statement (if available, to speed up the process)

3. Property Document
- Property booking receipt or
- Sale and purchase agreement / Title copy

4. Other document
- Letter Offer from existing bank (for refinancing case)
- Latest 6 months housing loan statement (for refinancing case)

Subject to assessment, some bank may request letter from company certify that you are employed by them etc.

Why use Mortgage Consultant?

Want to get a loan?

Option 1 - Go to bank/banks
Option 2 - Contact us, Mortgage Consultant.

Why use Mortgage Consultant service?

1. They are paid on commission by bank, not you.
2. They know the product better than you.
3. They work with you on one-on-one basis.
4. They can submit to many banks so save you time and effort.
5. They can update you with the changes in the BLR and home loan packages that may be changing from time to time.
6. They have access to network of panel banks, valuers and ensure the process is smooth.

Friday, May 14, 2010


iMortgage stands for Internet Mortgage
Idea borrows from iPhone, iPad and even iCity, in Malaysia.

Mortgage can be relevant to you now, can be relevant to you soon... unlikely a "never-relevant-topic".

How much do you know about Mortgage? Lets talk iMortgage.